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Playful Paws: The Study that Demonstrates the Importance of Play for Canine Well-Being

Have you ever thought that playing with your dog can positively impact their health and happiness? Well, numerous studies show that dogs that play more are happier and more positive than those who don’t play enough.

If you do a simple internet search, you will find several studies. One that particularly stands out is conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Bristol, which examined the association between play and animal well-being, particularly in dogs.

The study, titled “Playful Paws: Can Play Reduce Stress in Kennelled Dogs?” examined whether play can reduce stress in dogs housed in kennels. Stress can be a significant issue for shelter dogs, and play could be an effective way to alleviate it.

The researchers divided the dogs into three groups: one that received a higher amount of play, one that received a normal amount of play, and one that received no play. The dogs were monitored for signs of stress through measurements of cortisol levels (a stress hormone) in their saliva.

The results showed that dogs that received a higher amount of play had a significant reduction in cortisol levels compared to dogs that received a normal amount of play or no play.

This suggests that play can be an effective way to reduce stress in dogs. The study’s findings demonstrated that dogs that regularly play with their owners are happier and less likely to develop problem behaviors compared to those who don’t play enough. In particular, dogs that play regularly show fewer signs of anxiety and aggression and are generally calmer and more sociable.

Other studies have highlighted that dogs with access to a variety of games and playful activities have better physical and mental health than those limited to a few games or those who don’t play at all.

If your dog is sedentary, it’s important to know that a lack of physical activity can lead to various health issues like obesity, depression, and anxiety. Conversely, if your dog engages in sports, they are likely to be in excellent physical and mental shape and enjoy a longer life.

If you want to have fun with your dog and have them engage in a sport, you can learn the game of Disc Dog with me.

Disc Dog is a sport that is gaining popularity among dog owners worldwide. It’s a fun and engaging way to interact with your dog and make them happy while also training them for everyday life.

Don’t wait any longer; start playing with your dog and give them the opportunity to live a happy and healthy life!

Enjoy & Play Disc Dog!