Mirco Ugoccioni

Cane Felice

How to Make a Dog Happy

E’ da quando ho preso il mio primo cane che mi chiedo come renderlo felice.

E’ un argomento a mio avviso molto complesso.

Ho incontro nel corso della mia carriera cinofila diverse categoria di padroni di cani con diverse opinioni sull’argomento ma anche con vite diverse.

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kick nel disc dog

The Kick in Disc Dog

The kick is a very distinctive throw in which we “kick” our beloved frisbee! It’s beautiful to watch but also challenging to execute. It requires a lot of coordination, but above all, you must be able to perform a perfect floater to place it at the exact point where you’ll hit the frisbee at the

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Around the World

It’s one of my favorite moves in Disc Dog, but perhaps not for the move itself, but for its name. Around the world, “intorno al mondo” in Italian! It has a spectacular name and symbolizes the desire to travel a bit. 🙂 In reality, it’s one of the first moves you learn because it has

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