Benessere del cane

Benefits of Physical and Mental Health for Your Dog

Engaging in sports nurtures the heart and soul.

With our children, we teach them manners, but we immediately involve them in sports.

It doesn’t matter what kind of sport, but the important thing is that our children participate in sports.

And it’s not just parents saying this; it’s any doctor.

“Let your children participate in sports!”

Needless to say, it’s the same for dogs.

Here are some proven benefits of physical activity:

  • Helps maintain a healthy body weight
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces the risk of heart diseases
  • Decreases the risk of certain types of cancer
  • Increases muscle function and strength
  • Enhances bone health and strength

It’s clear that physical activity brings several benefits to your dog’s physical and mental health.

In the canine world, there are various types of sports, from water sports to agility, where you follow an obstacle course, to canicross, where you can run marathons with your dog, to obedience for those who love perfection!

My sport is Disc Dog, where the passion for frisbees is combined with creating tricks that will make your friends jealous and crafting a spectacular routine with background music.

All of this, along with essential physical preparation for the dog to engage in this sport.

Enjoy & play Disc Dog!