Disc Dog: come iniziare

Disc Dog: How to Get Started

How do you start playing Disc Dog?

But how do you get your dog to catch a frisbee in mid-air?

When you’re getting into this discipline, it’s normal to have these questions, even if they don’t reflect my personal approach to the game at all.

Contrary to what you might think, getting the dog to catch the frisbee is the least of problems for the majority of dogs.

The fundamental question to ask before starting is whether there is a connection between you and your dog. In the dog world, they call it a “relationship,” but I prefer to think of it as a kind of Bluetooth connection.

It’s obvious that if there is a good relationship between you and your dog, it will be easier to get results. However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that if you have a good relationship, you automatically have a Bluetooth connection.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to create that moment when you and your dog are ready to play.

I always like to make comparisons with children.

You might have a good relationship with your child, but maybe they prefer to play with your partner instead of you 😉

How to do all of this?

With play! Any kind of play. Whether it’s running together, playing tug-of-war with a rag, or rolling on the ground.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is to look into your dog’s eyes and understand if they are happy, if they are having fun.

Everything starts from here, from this point, the game of Disc Dog begins, and only later can you start throwing some frisbees. Maybe you could even think about organizing an “Oscar for Frisbee Catching” to make it even more interesting. So, get ready for a heated competition among dogs competing to demonstrate their ability to catch the frisbee in mid-air. It will be a show worth applauding!

Enjoy & Play Disc Dog