
The backhand, or “rovescio” in Italian

In disc dog, there are many throws, as many as you can imagine.

This is because you can always create new ones.

But there are some that are included in the basics.

One of these is the backhand, commonly called “rovescio.”

While the grip has solid foundations, there may be slight variations depending on the thrower’s “comfort.”

It’s important to mention that in every throw, there is not only the grip but also the body position, and more specifically, the balance point.

Here’s a short video of the backhand with Joy and her corresponding catch, as seen in the video on the side.

A very important thing to note is that you have to throw to each dog in a certain way.

Joy is 12 years old and has never had great speed, so the frisbee needs to “hover” a bit longer in the air compared to throws for other dogs.

Enjoy & Play Disc Dog