Disc Dog Floater

The Floater

The Floater in Disc Dog is a type of throw in which the frisbee is launched in a way that allows it to stay in the air for an extended period, seemingly “floating” in the air.

This type of throw is often used in Disc Dog competitions, where the dog must perform acrobatics and catch the frisbee mid-air. Although it may appear simple, it is one of the most challenging throws to execute but is also the most commonly used. Floaters require great precision in the throw and a deep understanding of the frisbee’s flight dynamics. Executing a floater requires proper technique and in-depth knowledge of the frisbee’s flight dynamics.

Here are the steps to execute a floater throw:

  1. Grip: Hold the frisbee in a way that gives you a good grip, preferably with your dominant hand in a “C” position (the C-shape handhold is a common frisbee grip method).
  2. Stance: Place one foot slightly forward than the other, maintaining good posture and balance.
  3. Throw: Tilt the frisbee slightly so that the top is facing slightly upward, and throw the frisbee with an upward rotation using more of your wrist than your arm.
  4. Effect: With a lifting effect from bottom to top, the frisbee will start to rise slowly.
  5. Control: To achieve the float, the frisbee should spin itself, which will help create the necessary lift for flight.
  6. End of Throw: When the frisbee is at a good height, maintain the trajectory of the throw to keep the frisbee floating.

These are just some of the fundamental steps to execute a floater, but there are many variables to consider, such as wind strength, launch angle, frisbee rotation, and throw accuracy.

With some practice and experimentation, you can become proficient at performing this type of throw.

Enjoy & Play Disc Dog!