Rebound border collie

The Rebound in Disc Dog

In Disc Dog, in addition to the tricks where the dog catches the frisbee, there are also tricks in which there is no dog’s catch involved.

One of these is the rebound, where, as you can see in the video, the dog bounces off our body.

In this case, Wendy bounces on the chest, but once taught correctly, the dog can do it on any part of the body, such as the back, the foot, or a side.

Besides being a trick that can be included in a competition routine, it’s very important for the dog to learn the movement.

This is because, later on, the frisbee can be added to create, for example, a chest vault.

There are different methods to teach it, using a ball, a board, or our body.

Personally, I believe there is no perfect method. Every dog has its own personality, physique, athleticism, and each exercise can be approached differently. Some dogs may not be able to perform a specific trick. Therefore, it’s important to carefully assess anything we teach our beloved friend.

Enjoy & Play Disc Dog