freestyle disc dog

Freestyle Disc Dog

Today, we’re talking about Freestyle Disc Dog!

It’s a discipline that involves performing acrobatics with your dog, but don’t worry, it’s not a form of dog parkour! We’re talking about Disc Dog Freestyle!

The Freestyle routine involves executing various figures and movements, where creative freedom is the only rule. But be careful! You shouldn’t propose games that are too risky for your four-legged friend, unless you want to end up taking them to the vet with a dislocated leg.

Among the various figures, some are quite standard. One of the most famous is the “OVER,” where the dog jumps over the handler’s body or other parts without touching them. Then there’s the “VAULT,” where the dog uses the handler’s body as a springboard, such as from their back, to catch the flying disc. Another one is the “STALL,” where the dog climbs on a part of the handler’s body and catches the disc in that position. And in the “DOG CATCH,” the dog is caught in mid-air while catching the disc.

It’s a true aerial skill competition!

But there’s more to it: there are “FLIPS,” where the dog does a 360° spin to catch the disc, and “MULTIPLES” and “SHUFFLES,” where the dog receives at least three successive discs or two discs that are exchanged between the dog and the handler without ever touching the ground.

To make the routine even more spectacular, there are moves like “AROUND THE WORLD,” where the dog catches 3-4 discs in mid-air, one after the other, while circling around the handler, and “PASSING,” where the dog grabs the disc at one end of an imaginary straight line and leaves it to catch the next one at the opposite end, passing by the handler’s side.

But beware! It’s not just about knowing how to do acrobatics and movements; you also need to smoothly connect them!

Freestyle Disc Dog is a spectacular discipline that requires skill, precision, and a touch of madness!

But always remember to take care of your four-legged friend’s well-being and have fun together!

Enjoy & Play Disc Dog!